Postgres Database Connection using Golang

Postgres Database Connection using Golang

In this article, we will explore how to connect the PostgresSQL database with Go using Go's database package


  • Install Golang

  • Instal Postgres and PGAdmin or Run this Docker image

  • Basic understanding of SQL

Create a main.go file, run go mod init <module Name>, and Install the Go Database package

go mod init <moduleName>
go get

In main.go file we will import the package, create a user Struct, initialize the Database connection and Create a Table by passing the model interface

package main

import (

type User struct {
    Name   string
    Emails string

func StartConnection() {
    db := pg.Connect(&pg.Options{
        Addr:     ":5432",
        User:     "username",
        Password: "password",
        Database: "database-name",

    err := createSchema(db)
    if err != nil {


// createSchema creates database schema for User models.
func createSchema(db *pg.DB) error {
    models := []interface{}{

    for _, model := range models {
        err := db.Model(model).CreateTable(&orm.CreateTableOptions{
            Temp:        false,
            IfNotExists: true,
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil